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Membership Update - May 2020

The Committee are keen to update you on Club matters as the lockdown continues.

We would like to express our thanks to  all members who have paid their subscription this year. We have received over £2,000 in the last month and money is still coming in. We have also received a Government Grant that will allow us to pay the club overheads up to the end of the calendar year and to complete some minor works at the club.

We have also managed to hold the April Committee Meeting on Zoom and at this meeting have decided to postpone the AGM that is usually held at the end of May. The existing Committee and Management team will continue to safeguard the interests of the club until we return to some form of normality and we will issue regular updates as some easing of the lockdown measures takes place.

Please keep safe and well and in the words of Captain Tom “Please always remember, tomorrow will be a good day”

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